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- Cassie Verano
Undeniable: A Friends To Lovers Romance (Love Desired Book 4)
Undeniable: A Friends To Lovers Romance (Love Desired Book 4) Read online
THIS EBOOK IS A WORK of fiction. Names, characters, places, and situations are complete creative works of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental.
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Copyright © 2020 Cassie Verano
All Rights Reserved
Contact Me:
[email protected]
Printed in the United States of America
Other Books by Cassie Verano
“...PLOT FOCUSED ON THE romance between Erin and Scott rather than just pages of smut. Not loosely thrown together, author Ryan Warren took the time to develop well-rounded characters. The sex scene was smooth and easy to read while leaving this reviewer dripping wet in the end. I must say, Ryan lived up to his slogan, “Permission to Shower After Reading #slipperywhenwet.”
“...anal sex introduced in such a graphic but tender way if such a thing exists. While I don’t engage in that type of activity, I must admit the way Scott managed it with Erin; this girl would be willing to join that voyage.”
“...more than five stars if possible. The character dynamics played out well, and the relationship had time to develop. Warren helps us to see how Scott gains Erin’s trust after the numerous relationship and abusive issues she’d endured. Job well done, Warren.”
“...must admit I found myself fantasizing that I was Erin and Ryan Warren was Scott. Although he’s never allowed himself to be photographed if you’ve been to a Ryan Warren book signing, you’d see why I was fantasizing about him. Yummy! But back to the book. It was a stellar read with amazing plot twists, steamy, and graphic sex that will have your yoni dripping and begging for more.”
THE REVIEWS WENT ON and on. I seldom took time to read them, a habit I developed early on before my thick skin grew heavier. Reading poor reviews or reviews where people dissected or even, in some cases, ripped my work apart, took a lot from me.
As a man, I’ve got my pride, and there’s just some shit that’s a bit too much. Every time I read a review after a new release, I struggled to write the next story. So I quit reading them.
But now? I needed this shit like caffeine. The words were an encouragement to my system, confirming that I had the talent to write. But it wouldn’t come.
The words I put on paper, the characters? They weren’t gelling, and I needed something more. The only problem was I couldn’t put that special something on paper. I had no idea what I needed to make the Ryan Warren magic happen again.
Pair that with the fact I’d be returning home to Summer Cove, North Carolina, for the first time in two years, and I was going bat shit crazy.
Whether it was the pressure of people discovering that I, Bryce Lexington, was the man behind the mask, or just being back at my roots, I wasn’t sure what had silenced the writing flow that usually came to me like water, but it was on hold.
That scared me. It was stifling almost to the point I couldn’t breathe. Writing was my bread and butter, and though I’d been doing this game for a decade now, it still wasn’t something I took for granted.
My writing, publications, and investments earned me millions, and today I was a multimillionaire when all my assets and property were considered. But it never stopped the finger of fear from climbing up my spine that one day I could be broke again.
And while I’d never truly been broke because my parents were wealthy, as an individual, I was broke. My brother Bishop and I were taught to build our wealth and stand on our feet. Our parents would always support us if necessary, but I wanted to prove, as the older brother, that I could be self-sufficient. And for the most part, I’d done just that.
I stared at the blinking line on my computer screen and willed it to convey some secret message to me. Anything that would unlock the doors and let the words pour forth. But it wasn’t happening. Right now, they were locked behind a cage and hiding away. As though I were the monster or the captor, they needed to be afraid of.
Sighing, I pushed the top of my laptop down, removed my glasses, and rubbed my eyes.
Dropping my head back against the headrest of my chair, I began to employ some of the mindfulness techniques my brother taught me.
Only minutes later, my eyes were open again and glancing all around. I didn’t believe in it, so it didn’t work for me. But hell, it was worth a shot. Anything was at this point.
I opened my computer and went to my email only to wish that I hadn’t.
You’re not answering your text messages or phone calls, dude. I’m just checking in to see how your new book’s progressing. You’re almost a week behind the deadline for the first through third chapters. I need to know something today. Also, your flight has been booked, and I chatted with the store owner of Books B4 Boys. Everything is in place for your signing next weekend; they’re excited to have you. I think this is great publicity that you’re going back to do a signing in your hometown. Anyway, give me a buzz right away!
Ari R.
BLOWING OUT A BREATH, I shut the computer once more. Damn!
There was pressure all around. Pressure I didn’t need or want but pressure all the same, and I had to submit something. Yet, I hadn’t written my first paragraph. How the hell could I turn in three chapters?
My phone rang, and I opened my eyes, spotting the name, Tiffany.
“Hiii, Bryce.”
“Tiff. What’s good with you, girl?”
“You. Feeling kinda horny, and I thought you’d run through.”
“Any other time, I would. You know you’re good for it, but I’ve got some work to finish up that I can’t put off any longer.”
“I know.”
“Maybe if you came over, I can help you loosen up a bit. Cause that creativity to get flowing again. Suck it straight to the surface.”
Fuck! Why’d she say shit like tha
t to get me going? Looking down at my jogging pants, I shook my head as my dick twitched.
I closed my eyes tightly and blew a breath through my nose.
“Don’t do that shit, girl. I’d be over there tearing that ass up in a minute if I could.”
“You can; you just don’t want to. Are you working, or do you have company?” Tiffany asked in a whiny tone.
“I’m working. You know I don’t have a reason to lie.”
She knew that was true. I was honest with every woman I dated, letting them know that I wasn’t looking for a relationship and that other women were a part of my life.
“What’s her name, Bryce?” Tiffany whined.
If anything could ruin a hard-on, it was a clingy woman. I couldn’t take that shit.
“Aye, I need to get back to work. I’ll holler at you later.”
I clicked the phone off and didn’t bother to say goodbye. Tiffany wouldn’t be hearing from me later. Getting up from my desk, I headed straight for the shower, stripping my sweats and boxers off.
My thoughts turned to my old friend, Peyton, back home in Summer Cove. I’d recently agreed to do a signing there all because it would give me the chance to see her again.
My semi-erect penis stiffened quickly. What the hell? That was not the appropriate reaction to a woman like Peyton, a woman who was just a friend.
I turned the water to a cool temperature and jumped in. It was hard for me to lie. I loved women and their beautiful, complex physiques. They were the true artwork of the world, a masterful creation designed to be worshipped and adored. And I enjoyed doing it in real life as much as I did on the paper.
But I needed to write.
Nothing less. And nothing more.
OF THE FIFTY MILLION things to do to prepare for the signing this weekend, I still had about a thousand left to do. I still couldn’t believe that Maggie had managed to book Ryan Warren for a signing in Books B4 Boys.
Ryan Warren was an esteemed romance author who had penned more than seventy-five novels with almost all of them making an appearance in either the New York Times or USA Today or both. The compelling part of his brand was that no one knew who he was.
Readers suspected the name Ryan Warren was a pseudonym and not his given name. He seldom made public appearances, and when he did, cameras were not allowed in the place. So far, his wishes were honored because I had yet to see a picture of the man.
That did not settle well with me because I was expected to host a book signing for someone I had no clue about who they were. I had spoken with his agent on the phone, and even video chatted with her, but I hadn’t spoken to or seen Ryan Warren.
Never having met Ryan Warren, along with hosting a big name celebrity here in our small town, was enough to have me up in arms. And my attention to detail and being a stickler for making sure everything went well was driving everyone around me crazy.
I heard the bell over the doorway tinkle just as I dropped the last shipment of Ryan Warren t-shirts on the table in the storage room.
Ticking off on my fingers, I went through the mental checklist I’d memorized from my Google doc checklist.
“Displays set up. Check. Flower arrangements ordered. Check. Banners hung. Check. Table cloth and décor on the signing table set up. Check. Posterboard displays are arranged. Check. Cake...crap! How’d I forget the cake?” I groaned, smacking my forehead.
“Because you told me to handle it along with checking with the caterer one final time and ensuring the wine delivery arrived on time. And I’ve done all of those things. And the wine was delivered an hour ago, by the way,” Maggie, my store manager, said.
She leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed, wearing a crooked grin.
“Thanks, doll! You’re such a lifesaver,” I said, launching myself at her and giving her a great big hug.
“I try to make myself useful and justify the salary I earn,” she said, winking at me.
“Oh! Get out of here!” I said, swatting her playfully on the arm.
“Okay, but I just wanted you to know I was leaving before I disappeared. I’ve counted down the register and prepared the deposit for the bank tomorrow. All that’s left for you to do is to flip the sign over to ‘Closed.’ Ronnie just showed up to pick me up. We’re heading down by the water tonight to watch the movies in the park,” Maggie said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“Oh, trust me, I know he’s here. I can set my watch by your husband. He arrives promptly every night to walk you home,” I replied.
“He’s a dear, that’s for sure,” she said as we walked out of the storage room and headed to the front of my bookstore.
Maggie’s husband, Ronnie, adored her, and it showed in the way he interacted with her.
“Hi, Ronnie,” I greeted when we arrived at the front of the store.
“Hi, Peyton. I hear you’re all worked up over that romance author that’s coming to town,” Ronnie greeted.
I rolled my eyes at Maggie. “Not worked up, but...it’s just that I’ve never had a star of his magnitude do a signing here before. Summer Cove is so small; the bigger authors never stop through here. He’s a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.”
“Well, what’s interesting is that with all his fame, he’s never done an in-person interview. I’m excited to see what he looks like,” Maggie said.
“Or what if he is a she,” Ronnie said, throwing a plot twist in.
“Well, our customers might be sorely disappointed,” I said, laughing. “By the way, how’d you get him to agree to a signing again?”
“I didn’t get him to agree. It was more like his agent, and the only reason that happened is that his agent happens to be the granddaughter of Nadine, who’s in my quilting club,” Maggie informed me.
“Ahh,” I said with a nod as though that explained everything.
“Well, you just relax, Peyton. Everything will fall into place, I’m sure. You do a wonderful job hosting events around this place, and all the residents of Summer Cove love you and everything that you do. So, if it’s not good enough for this big ‘romance’ guy, then that’s too bad for him,” Ronnie said.
I laughed. “Thanks, Ronnie.”
The door chimes tinkled again, and my friend, Gianna Farhadi, walked in.
“Hi guys!” she said, smiling and waving as the beautiful ring she’d received from her fiancé Bishop Lexington sparkled on her hand.
“Hi, Gigi!” Maggie greeted, hugging Gianna.
Ronnie hugged her next. “How’s our beautiful bride-to-be?”
“Excited, nervous, and going insane!” Gianna replied chuckling.
“That’s to be expected. If Bishop knows like I know, he’ll say ‘yes’ to anything you want right now,” Ronnie teased.
“Well, he’s been doing a great job of that,” Gianna shared.
“Kids, we’re going to get out of your hair and head out now because I want to catch the opening of the movie,” Maggie said, walking quickly towards the door.
Ronnie was right behind her.
“Have a good night!” Gianna called after them.
“Enjoy yourselves,” I chimed in.
A glance at the clock showed me that I had another two minutes before closing time, and I could start my weekend plans.
Which was...nothing.
Since my divorce from my ex-husband, Jacob, the only thing my life consisted of was running the bookstore, occasional nights out with the girls, watching the Hallmark movie channel and HGTV in the little spare time I had, and reading romance books. If the book was really good, then I could pull out my vibrator and get some excitement going. But that was the extent of my love life.
That was just fine by me because the last thing I had time for was another heartache. I’d fallen for Jacob in my senior year of college, to get over someone else, and I’d convinced myself that Jacob was the greatest thing in the world. That fantasy continued until the second year of marriage.
My ex-husband had an affinity for booze, gambling, and red-heads that I didn’t discover until we’d been married for two years. Unfortunately for me, I was gullible enough to believe that he loved me, and counseling would fix everything.
Perhaps it would have if the other party attended the sessions. After several failed interventions and a long talk with my mother, I realized Jacob was not the man I wanted my future children to call father. Lucky for me, I was so focused on my career that I’d been too dedicated to not having children to get pregnant.
“So, are you all ready for Friday and Saturday?” Gianna asked.
“Well, as ready as I can be,” I said, blowing out a loud breath. “As excited as I am about this, I’m also ready for it to be over with. Planning this event has been so stressful. How do you manage it?”
Gianna laughed. “I don’t know honestly. Always on the go and multi-tasking has been my life, but I’m so grateful that Bishop convinced me to get an assistant. There’s no way that I could manage all I do, this upcoming wedding, and my new yoga practice.”
Since Gianna and Bishop became engaged, she had pulled out of the modeling world as an Instagram model and a YouTuber for hair and makeup. Her focus transitioned to yoga and living a healthy lifestyle, as well as creating healthy recipes, which complimented Bishop’s fitness lifestyle.
She offered some classes at his main facility, but she had a studio of her own, and a YouTube channel with just over two and a half million subscribers already. It was easy for her to get many of her followers to join her there, but she also tapped into a new market.
“Well, have you made up your mind if you want to air the wedding live or not?”
She sighed. “I think I’m going to keep it private. Bishop has been a sweetheart about my lifestyle and supporting whatever I want to do. But I don’t want to take advantage of that. I know he’s a private person, and being thrust into the spotlight after my issues with Foster, he held strong. I want to honor his wishes, too.”
“I think it’s sweet that he’s so supportive, but I do think you should keep it private. Opening it up to the public will be opening it up for the world to judge. And on an important day like that, you don’t need it.”